Mad about Lucy

By Lee Hopkins

G’day and welcome to Better Communication Results vidcast, edition 111.

In today’s video we:
  • ask what is Artificial General Intelligence;
  • are mad about Lucy;
  • might be closer to human machines than we think;
  • discuss using AI to benefit your email marketing; and
  • consider reading your employees’ emails.


    Mad about Lucy
    Our friend Geoff Livingston is back with another cracker of an article. This time he’s scored an interview with one of the founders behind Lucy, a multiple-algorithm tool that brands such as BMW have used to great effect.

    Now just three years old, Lucy has advanced to become a powerful segmentation, advertising and content optimization tool for marketers.

    Part of what drives the team at Equals3 is their quest to democratise data. There is no point, they say, in having knowledge only in the hands of a tiny few specialists, like analysts, or CIOs or marketers. If, for example, the company website is an important business tool, then let everyone know how it is performing today, against yesterday and last month. Lucy helps those democratising conversations take place, by freeing up the results of the algorithms. Read the full blog.


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