Cognitive Technology in Healthcare: Looking to the Future with IBM Watson Health

IBM’s cognitive computer Watson became a household name and overnight sensation in 2011 when it beat two of Jeopardy’s top contestants, smoothly handling the show’s lineup of cleverly named categories and obscure facts.

Soon after Watson’s victory, IBM began to get inquiries from physicians, particularly oncologists, interested in knowing if cognitive technology could be applied in a clinical context.

Applications for Marketers

Sawyer, who was Chief Marketing Officer at Penn Medicine before joining IBM Watson Health, believes Watson’s ability to personalize information and provide insight at an individual level is something marketers will benefit from as well as clinicians. “I think it can really help us with segmentation, engagement, and empowerment, to be able to identify people in the community who are likely to be at risk for certain diseases and conditions, and find ways to help connect and engage and offer tools and resources,” she says.

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